Call us now: 01123860572
“INCOL CABLES” is promoted by a group of industry professionals with an objective of catering to growing requirements for high quality customized cables. The company has developed a range of specialized products to address the specific requirement of the industries involving, modern process technologies instrumentation and communication demanding the highest standards of precision and reliability. INCOL CABLES has for the last few years been addressing the specialized cable need of some of the major core industries including Power Projects, Steel, Cement, Petrochemicals, Atomic Energy, Electronics Computer Industries, and Wind Power Projects etc. in both private and public sector.
Quality is the “Mantra” for all decisions and activities at INCOL CABLES. Quality does not stop at investment in expensive equipment’s, it covers every facet of manufacturing the choice of Vendors of raw materials, the process of raw materials, inspection, testing at every stage, manufacturing process, pre-dispatch testing, customer follow up after installation.
INCOL manufactures a wide variety of cables suitable for purpose instrumentation. In the projects related to Power Generation & Distribution, Chemicals & Fertilizers Industries
Thermoelectricity: When a metallic conductor is exposed to a difference of temperature between the two extremities, an electromotive force (emf) is generated by the temperature.
Rubber insulation holds its place for certain application where high flexibility is required. Rubber insulation also permits simpler splices and termitions.Synthetic rubber such as Butyle rubber.